Preamble | ||
ACTALOGI 03.02.2015 update: 30.11.2021 What follows below is a preamble exposition of this website with regard to general editorial features and thematic leitmotivs. The arguments raised in this introduction are given due importance in editorials and in-depth exposés, always drawing attention to myths and convenient untruths, inconsiderately propagated through postmodern media by the proponents of, as well as subscribers to, a sinister New World.
view | hide section AXIOMS editorial principia
Inalienable editorial principia adopted for intellectual integrity of the website content
Evolution is an observable natural phenomenon. Any
archaic indisposition that repudiates it in defense
of its untenable dogmas is a prejudicious deviancy for
perpetuating philistinism.
Dominantly (though not exclusively) fundamentalist houses of power, thriving over traditional means of mass manipulation, feel justified to reject the concept of evolution, which they consider potentially harmful to their archaic postulations supposedly providing them with leverage over ordinary people. This is a prejudicious deviancy for perpetuating philistinism. Today, there still are quite a few who claim the earth is flat, the women are inferior to men, Adam had 40,000 offspring before he died, the time of creation (anno mundi) was October 7th 3761 BCE, etc. However, this wretched ignobility of the rejectionists should not similarly be belittled by accepting them simply as imbecile opposers of rational scientific thought. The real ignobility lies in fighting against everincreasing backlog of positive knowledge based on natural phenomena, simply to uphold archaic infatuations and fixations for the sake of maintaining the firm grasp of earthly establishments over ordinary people. This kind of philistinism is a crime against humanity. Hence, anti-evolutionary propaganda (creationism, intelligent design, etc.) is a sordid manifestation of totalitarian and tyrannical oppression, and as such, a block against the evolution of human thought and the progress of humanity. This website accepts evolution and all that it entails as a scientific reality, and refuses to give any credence to claims of integrity and sincerity by the rejectionists. clear exegesis above
Unquestioned servitude or submission to the
authority or control of another, on religious, tribal or
ideological justification, is the self-denial of an
honorable human existence.
An honorable human existence cannot be bound under any circumstances by moral dictations about a supposed afterlife. Neither can it be guided by putative ideological apriorisms, nor by tribal or racial prejudicial primitivism. Likewise, submission to conjectural and speculative spiritual beings (like genii) exercising supernatural power or divination of astrological fraudulence is the sure sign of a weak disposition. A person besotted by such reasonless compulsions cannot be expected to decide rationally for the benefit of humanity in any way. Unquestioned submission to all such falsities as well as servitude to the authority or control of the powerful (for whatever justification) is the self-denial of an honorable human existence. Such behavioural weaknesses in the past ages had been inculcated as proper conduct for the 'ideal' servants of the almighty rulers and their agents. Upholding the same practice in this age of evolutionary reason, however, is nothing but a deformity of mind. An honorable human existence requires, above all, a genuine willingness to grasp the actual meaning of natural phenomena and to be capable of exercising free will for adapting to changing realities, that is, not being stuck to ancient dogma. Only an individual as such will successfully resist evil forces of submission and servitude on religious, tribal or ideological pretexts. This website respects individuals who demonstrably exhibit free will and an independent progressive mind. What they put forward is taken seriously as worthy propositions for deliberation. The rest... are deplorable liabilities who shall remain as faceless imposters and unsophisticated agents of ignominy. clear exegesis above
Self-governance can under no circumstances be
guided by irrational convictions or unverifiable
revelations, but only through constructive rational
deliberations among equal participators with
demonstrable goodwill and willingness to cooperate.
Universal tenets of an egalitarian democracy should never be demoted by replacing positive scientific rationalism with unfertile myths and convenient untruths. This simple fact is beyond any doubt, especially, if what is to be expected from a practice of contemporary democratic rule is considered. Democratic self-governance requires, above all, personal, communal and (mostly) representative participation of all citizens. And, all norms of participation demand willingness to cooperate and compromise through dialogue from all sides. This expectation strictly rules out the possibility of including any irrational conviction or unverifiable revelation into the democratic dialogue. Because, participants cannot be asked to make compromises in their convictions and persuasions the least bit. Hence, persuasions, and other irrational convictions and revelations could have no place in any truly democratic decision making process. Indeed, by virtue of this simple fact, no (multi-)religious communal formation, downgrading the value of citizenship, could be recast as a modern democracy. What happens in such circumstances is more like primitive bargaining between religious communities rather than a democratic decision making process. The 'individual' is not represented in this process, therefore, there would be no justification to call such deviancies democratic. Malaysia is a good example in this respect. Similarly, externally induced 'Arab springs' (!) hailed as cases of 'advanced democracy' are no more than shameful crusades by postmodern tyrants. This current disfigurement of universal democratic ideals destroys individuals beyond any recognition and forces them back into canonical medivalism as nameless slaves of dogma. One significant attempt by these postmodern tyrants and their stooge (local) politicians is concerned with a redefinition (disfigurement) of laïcism as 'equidistant stance of the state towards all religions.' This 'redefinition' is clearly a rewording of the canonical medivalism aspired by postmodern tyrants as described above. This website maintains that a modern democracy cannot define any of its functions and objectives based on dogma or other irrational convictions. It is not the mission of a modern democracy to intermediate between congregations, but rather, while safeguarding the individual's freedom of conscience, to uphold undiluted rational scientific thought as the highest norm for democratic interaction. If individuals fail to communicate rationally for self-governance in this world and, instead, are bribed into accepting enslavement under canonical law for promised otherworldly gains, no human value can ever be created from such a misguided community. clear exegesis above READ axioms in Turkish
Site içeriğinin entelektüel tutarlılık açısından benimsenmiş vazgeçilmez temel ilkeleri
Evrim gözlenebilen bir doğal olaydır. Köhne
aymazların kendi doğrulanamaz dogmalarını savunmak
için evrimi reddetmeleri, cahilliği sürdürme gayreti
içinde ifa ettikleri çıkarcı bir saptırmadır.
Geleneksel yollarla yığınların topluca güdülmelerini hedefleyen (baskın olarak) köktenciler ve bazı diğer güç odakları evrim kavramını reddetmekte kendilerini haklı görmektedirler; çünkü, kendilerine sıradan insanlar üzerinde baskı kurma olanağı sağladığına inandıkları köhne basmakalıp iddiaları için bu kavramın zararlı olacağı saplantısına arka çıkmaktadırlar. Bugün, yerin düz olduğunu, kadınların erkeklere kıyasla ikinci sınıf mahlûklar olduğunu, Adem'in yaşamı boyunca 40,000 döl verdiğini, Yaratılış tarihinin (anno mundi) İO 7 Ekim 3761 olduğunu hâlâ iddia eden azımssanmayacak sayıda insan bulunmaktadır. Fakat, benzer bir bakışla, inkârcıların bu düzeysiz düşkünlüklerini yalnızca akılcı bilimsel düşünceye aptalca bir karşı koyuş şeklinde yorumlayarak azımsamak isabetli olmayacaktır. Bu konudaki asıl düşkünlük, doğa olaylarına bağlı olarak sürekli artan pozitif bilgiye karşı verilen savaştır; köhne hurafe ve saplantılarını yücelterek dünyevî kurumların sıradan insanlar üstündeki aşırı baskısını sağlamlaştırma gayretkeşliğidir. Bu tür bir cehaletçilik insanlığa karşı işlenen gerçek bir suçtur. Dolayısıyla, evrim karşıtı propaganda (yaratılışçılık, akıllı tasarımcılık, ve benzerleri), totaliter despotluğun mülevves bir tahakküm aracı olduğunu ifade eder; ve bu nedenle, insan düşüncesinin evrimine ve insanlığın gelişimine engel teşkil eder. Bu site evrim kavramını ve ilişkin tüm öğelerini bilimsel gerçeklik olarak kabul eder, ve inkârcıların tutarlılık ve samimiyet iddialarına hiçbir koşulda itibar etmez. yukarıdaki açılımı kaldır
Din, aşiret veya ideoloji gerekçeleriyle bir
başkasının otoritesine sorgulamadan baş eğmek veya ona
kulluk etmek, şerefli bir insan olarak varolmanın inkârı
Onurlu bir insan yaşamı hiçbir koşul altında varsayılan bir yaşam-sonrası hakkında ahlâksal öğretilerle sınırlandırılamaz. Ne ideolojik, ne de aşiret veya ırk yanlısı ilkellikleri yansıtan boş inançlarla da yönlendirilemez. Benzer biçimde, doğaüstü güç sahibi düşsel ve kurgusal nitelikli tinsel varlıklara (örneğin, cinlere) teslimiyet veya astrolojik aldatmacalara kanarak ilahlaştırmak da kof bir kişilik yapısının açık göstergesidir. Böyle akıl-dışı düşkünlüklere tutlmuş bir kişinin hiçbir koşulda insanlık yararına akılcı kararlar alması beklenemez. Böyle uydurmalara sorgulamadan teslimiyet ise, güçlünün otoritesine ve denetimine (her ne gerekçeyle olursa olsun) kulluk da onurlu bir varoluşu kendine reva görmemek demektir. Geçmiş dönemlerde böyle davranış bozuklukları, hâkim soyluların ve temsilcilerinin vazettikleri 'ideal' hizmetkârlar için uygun görülen davranış normlarıydı. Ama bunları, evrimsel aklın egemen olması gereken bugüne taşıyarak devamını istemek, akıl yozlaşmasından başka bir şey değildir. Onurlu bir insan yaşamı, her şeyden önce, doğal olayların gerçek anlamlarını kavramak, ve köhne dogmalara saplanmadan değişen gerçekliklere hür irade ile uyum gösterebilmek için samimi bir istek sahibi olabilmeyi öngörür. Yalnızca böyle bir kişi, dinsel, ırksal veya ideolojik şer güçlerinin teslimiyetçi ve kullaştırıcı etkilerine karşı direnebilir. Bu site hür iradeleriyle bağımsız ilerici düşünce sahibi oldukları açıkça görülen kişilere saygı duyar. İleri sürdükleri düşünceler, tartışma ve değerlendirme değeri olan önermeler olarak ciddiye alınır. Geri kalanlar ise... esef verici safralar olarak isimsiz kalacak düzenbazlar ve düşkünlüğün cahil aracıları sayılır. yukarıdaki açılımı kaldır
Hiçbir koşulda doğrulanamaz söylemler ve akıldışı
saplantılarla bir toplumun kendi kendini yönetmesi
gerçekleşemez - bunun için iyiniyet ve işbirliği isteği
açıkça görülen eşit katılımcıların yapıcı ve akılcı
tartışabilmeleri gerekir.
Kısır mitosları ve çıkarcı düzmeceleri pozitif bilimsel akılcılığa yeğleyen bir anlayışla eşitlikçi demokrasinin evrensel ilkeleri zayıflatılmamalıdır. Özellikle çağdaş demokrasi uygulamalarından beklenenler söz konusu olduğunda, bu basit gerçeklik kuşku duyurmayacak ölçüde kesindir. Öncelikle, demokratik yönetişim yurttaşların, bireysel, toplumsal ve (çoğunlukla) temsilî katılımını gerektirir. Ve, tüm katılım normları, tüm tarafların işbirliği ve özveri gösterme isteğine sahip olmalarını öngörür. Bu beklenti, doğrulanamaz söylemler ve akıldışı saplantıların demokratik diyaloga dahil edilme olasılığını kesinlikle dışlar. Çünkü, katılımcılardan inanç ve saplatılarından hiç bir şekilde özveride bulunmaları istenemez. Dolayısıyla, inançların, ve diğer doğrulanamaz söylemler ve akıldışı saplantıların, gerçekçi bir demokratik karar verme sürecinde kesinlikle yeri yoktur. Nitekim, yalnızca bu basit doğru nedeniyle bile, yurttaşlık bilincini ikincilleştiren ne tek ne de çok sayıda dinsel cemaat yapılanması çağdaş demokrasi çerçevesine oturtulamaz. Böyle durumlarda düzen, demokratik karar verme sürecinden daha çok, cemaatler-arası ilkel pazarlık süreci olarak işleyecektir. Bu süreçte 'birey' olmayacağı için, bu tür sapmaları demokratik olarak adlandırmak olanaksızdır. Bu bağlamda, Malezya çok iyi bir örnektir. Benzer bakışla, dış müdahalelerle ortaya çıkarılan ve 'ileri demokrasi' örnekleri olarak sunulan 'Arap baharları', postmodern tiranların haçlı seferleri olmaktan öte anlam taşımazlar. Evrensel demokratik ideallerin bugünkü yozlaşması, bireyleri tanınmaz kılacak ölçekte yok etmekte ve tekrar Ortaçağ dogmalarının isimsiz kulları olmaya zorlamaktadır. Postmodern tiranların ve (yerel) politikacı işbirlikçilerinin bu anlamdaki önemli bir girişimi, laiklik kavramını yozlaştıran bir yeniden tanımlama isteğidir; laiklik 'tüm dinlere eşit uzaklıkta bir devlet politikası' olarak ifade edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Asıl gerçeklik şudur ki, bu 'yeni tanım', yukarıda anılan tiranların yerleştirmek istedikleri Ortaçağ dogmacılığının yalnızca bir başka ifade şeklidir. Bu site, bir modern demokrasinin işlevlerini ve amaçlarını, dogma ve diğer akıldışı saplantıları esas alarak oluşturamayacağını öngörmektedir. Modern demokrasinin misyonu, cemaatler arasında arabuluculuk yapmak değil, bireyin vicdan özgürlüğünü güven altına alırken, sulandırılmamış akılcı bilimsel düşünceyi demokratik etkileşimin en üst normu olarak idame ettirmek olmalıdır. Eğer bireyler aklı esas alan iletişimle bu dünyadaki yönetişimi gözetmek yerine, öteki dünya kazanımları için verilen rüşveti kabul ederek dinsel hukukun boyunduruğuna girmeyi yeğlerlerse, böyle yanlış yönlendirilen bir toplumda hiç bir insanlık değeri yaratılamaz. yukarıdaki açılımı kaldır İngilizce temel ilkelere GERİ DÖN | RETURN to axioms in English
It is the Editor's view that the principles as stated above are not in any way to be dispensed with on the grounds of 'cultural' (socioeconomic, religious or ethnic) disparities or dogmatic convictions, because no 'culture' can claim to be 'civil' by disrespecting these truly universal principles. Hence, this site assumes no particular geography or culture as its inceptional background. Priority issues across the entire globe are to be treated without exception. However, at this particular time, there is a heavy concentration of indecently intrusive destabilisation schemes by the globalists across the Middle East, North Africa and Eurasia. None of the principles above seems to be observed, and indeed, no chance is missed to push local people still further away into a dogmatic medievalism that the globalists endorse wholeheartedly. Anatolia, strategically positioned at the center of this geography, has been affected significantly by intransigent global power wielding manipulators for more than a century, initially through colonialism, then through ham-handed diehard militarism, and now through ersatz reactionist religionism. Consequently, it is to be expected for this site to feature regional events with more emphasis as they genuinely continue to make up the better part of the global agenda. However, it will always avoid becoming a Salon des Refusés for any particular worldview!
end of axioms in features
view | hide section GENERAL about the site GENERAL
This is an unaffiliated personal website addressing the English-speaking world community from Ankara (ref. editor). Coverage, guided mostly by the global agenda, is inspired by the lore and reflections on ancient and modern Anatolia (Asia Minor) at the crossroads of the oikoumenê. The underlying objective is to inform about and discuss contemporary Leitmotivs of Global Inheritance (LOGI, G pronounced as in Global.) Coverage of globally relevant news, information and views about Anatolia, southeastern Europe and the Middle East are usually assigned priority. In addition to original editorial input and selected references, relevant works from local and international media are periodically quoted and frequently reflected upon. Major themes of interest extend into several branches of humanities and sciences such as architecture, arts, cosmography, culture, economics, geography, history, literature, mathematics, music, philosophy, poetry, politics, science and technology, research, innovation, information technologies, etc. The ethos espoused in this initiative may clarify the adopted approach further (the ethos may be defined as the superposition of many specifications with regard to contemporary meanings of the individual, liberty, equality, empathy, morals and ethics, democratic ideals, etc.) It should be emphasised that universal tenets and paradigms cannot be attributed solely to the societies wherein such ideals have been rooted. Indeed, it is common knowledge that societies under duress or unrivalled totalitarian pressures can easily deviate from their universal principles. For instance, it is impossible to associate colonial and post-colonial French societies as the inheritors of what was originally implied in liberté, égalité, fraternité. In the case of the United States, the current US standing is deplorable, to say the least, when compared to the wording in their Declaration of Independence: "... truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Regardless, the universality of these expressions cannot be rejected simply by looking at the poor state of these self-styled postmodern world tyrants. In today's globalising world, there is a visible push away from universal tenets and paradigms concerning human life, liberty and democratic governance within a nation-state. Induced cross-border religious and financial osmosis, and decomposition of nations into tribal groups to be subordinated under Mosaic (more meaningful if connoted by Moses!) federations is not compatible with what was once accepted as the universal norm for free individuals to pursue happiness. The newly designed individual is more like an unthinking tribal automaton whose persuasion would be preordained in conformity with an ultimately global New World doctrine. Ultimately criminal globalist ambitions as such are indeed undermining the real wealth of western civilisations, that is, the rational and laical foundations over which universal tenets and paradigms can be upheld for freedom of the individual and self-governing democracy among rationally disposed equals. Some writers suggest that these globalisation efforts may be (or should be) heading towards an empathic civilisation. In actual fact, this suggestion is no more than a search for a new moral justification and basis for the intended course towards the New World order. However, there can be no moral argument for enslaving the better part of humanity in a tightly evangelised superorganisation run by global corporatists, and declaring the rest as nonconformist hostile civilisations. That nature and environment is fast buckling under pressure from a high rate of world population increase, or that the whole of humanity cannot survive the effects of a catastrophic climate change, are sinister arguments for creating an unjustly graded hiearchy of civilisations, and employing high-tech tools for purging hostile elements in the face of unmanageable resource shortages, and environmental changes dictating extreme geographic and demographic exploitation. Looking at this neo-con (neo-conservative) issue from a healthier viewpoint, it may easily be concluded that the global rates of resource depletion and population increase are indeed frightening; so are the effects of climate change. However, what makes these phenomena insurmountable as yet should not be missed. It is the postindustrial welfare states that deplete resources for the sake of a savagely promoted irrational consumerism, market-driven to hitherto untapped corners of the world by global capitalism. On the other hand, climate change is largely the result of high carbon emission rates significantly (though not entirely) related to the same advanced economies. Hence, the real issue is that those responsible for such global problems endangering human survival and those who have the capabilities to mitigate their harmful effects are no different. However, their adopted capitalist doctrine is quite unsuited to allow the search for effective trade-offs for better conditions benefiting the whole of humanity.
Because, a serious erosion of democratic will in the postindustrial welfare states is taking place due to increasingly intransigent global corporations which take up and usurp more and more powers that should solely have stayed with democratic governments. Most global corporations (in association with many foundations and institutes they have themselves set up) are behind practically all intrusions, destabilisations and corruptions throughout the world, including global economic crises, cross-border financial violations, sanctioning of ethnic separatism and religionist totalitarianism, etc., all according to carefully laid-out ultimately sinister plans. The fundamental motive behind this insolent approach is an inhumane redefinition of savage libertarianism: those who fail in the global competition will have to get eliminated, leaving the global stage to their victors. Knowing where current financial and technological power (as most important weapons in any war) is, it is not difficult to see the real intentions of the neo-con global corporatists, especially in the face of upcoming resource shortages and environmental changes. Editorial coverage in this site is always selected and presented with a view to understanding the inticacies of local and global events in terms of major arguments as described above. Even if the internet is lamentably immersed in a vast ocean of lies, slurs, convenient untruths, hoaxes and redundant trash as displayed in witless blogs and twits' twitter written on ice in nonliterate jots, it is still the only outlet to tell the truth, at least for some time to come.
end of general in features
view | hide section CONTENT critique allegory humour
It is the Editor's hope that this initiative might modestly contribute towards the removal of deep-rooted prejudices and misconceptions perpetuated by viciously iniquitous global manipulators in this unfortunate age of acute misinformation. In this regard, the publication is being realised by way of an eclectic approach, though insistently aspiring to a satisfactory level of non-elitist intellectual consistency. It is in this sense that critique is a basic ingredient of the dialectical content to be enriched with occasional use of allegory and humour. It is only logical that any fresh look or critique, or suggestions for correcting gross injustices, have to be addressed directly in the language of the global power-wielders. In acknowledgment of this point, this website is mostly presented in the English language, except for one section which serialises op-ed leaders on local issues in Turkish (ref. editoria - yorumlar). Significant political, historical and scientific distortions making up the current neo-con lexicon are frequently taken up as regular themes in this website. Some are briefly outlined in the chapter titled Leitmotivs below. What the site is not may also be quite revealing... News are not and will never be made here! Corporate news-making is a pestilence proliferating perniciously in all corners of the world because of advertising tightly bound in a symbiotic relationship to news corporations. This perverse predilection of modern life has increasingly distorted natural human tendencies towards excessive consumerism and deplorable behaviourism. And, considering that global information media is on the way to producing a cross-border neo-totalitarian norm for controlling societies, the chances of keeping such excesses under democratic surveillance are diminishing rapidly. This unaffiliated personal site is only a humble attempt to stay clear of all such deviations by adhering to nothing but the truth. Unfortunately, truths are fabricated unashamedly and recklessly in this postmodern digital age for highly objectionable illicit purposes, varying from supporting (unconstitutional, undemocratic, sectarian, totalitarian, ethnic, separationist, etc.) opposition to democratic government or national identity as the case may be, to financial market manipulations, to artificial creation or injection of culture genes (i.e., historical, ethnological, anthropological, etc.) as a means of strengthening (mostly external) control and domination. This is not a site aspiring to proclaim new scientific truths either. Ever since academic studies in social processes involving individuals and groups are declared scientific by virtue of their use of analytical techniques (mostly with highly questionable subjective and imprecise data), social sciences are crowded with charlatan professors and theologians in supposedly decent schools of higher learning in the service of (mostly global) schemer organisations, and the internet is congested with quacksters revealing anthing from secrets nested in holy texts to unbased futuristic speculations on climate change and space travel! The aim here is to stand clear of such currently-unbased assertions, and when a sufficient body of authenticated knowledge is perceived to have grown in a selected theme, to check the integrity of related assertions. Whenever faulty assertions are being accepted as truth in support of devious global or local schemes, there lies a potential field of interest for this site to help towards the reinstatement of factual realities.
end of content in features
view | hide section LAYOUT basic structure The default left index frame CHARTOTHECA provides links to pages containing information about the Editor and the website, About the EDITOR, ABOUT the website, Letters from the Editor, Selected Tracks, Selected anniversaries of past events, Scholia annotation boxes, Vitrine for selected site content, Dispatches from the Editor. There are three index pages that can be accessed from CHARTOTHECA: ACTA index, ANNALS index and CAHIERS index: ACTA index is for three main chapters EDITORIA, COMPENDIA and GALLERIA; ANNALS index is for personal recollections of the Editor; CAHIERS index is for selections of external reference documents. The use of a limited number of Latin words as section headers is adopted solely for the purpose of assigning easily noticeable special names to principal site locations; even so, most of such Latin words are selected by virtue of their common roots with widely used English derivatives for the convenience of the English speakers. Correspondence on published content is being accepted exclusively in the language of the related content; it should be underlined that this site is not set forth as an interactive platform. The basic structure of ACTALOGI has originally been developed and is currently being employed as a personal intranet archiving system. It is always more expedient to outline demands and requirements for a new website in the form of original pages drafted with the tools and components as employed here for the convenience of professional programmers, who would then be expected to improve system dynamics and security. With this approach, the divide between the programmer and the content provider is found to be less problematic. This current internet version is designed by the content Editor in line with this understanding. The end result could be seen as a "handcrafted" web layout with practically no commercial templates or uninspirational ready-made solutions. New tools for genuine personalisation in the same direction are yet to be demanded by media-duped internet users. The coding applications for the web pages have also been undertaken by the Editor personally. This was the result of numerous cases in the professional world where content providers and page developers have rarely demonstrated capabilities of understanding each other's work. More often than not, valuable content have been wasted or lost in unergonomic and labyrinthian navigation systems, or worse, displayed in monotonous layouts that tend to be no better than impersonal form templates. It is only natural to conclude that even the best programmers' approach is usually more suited to developing shells for internet games rather than doing service to the characteristics of the matériel they are supposed to handle. On the opposite side, decision makers who initiate websites do not usually view their new platforms as one of their fully-integrated primary outlets, but only as prestigious toys. Their websites are rarely designed to be operated as an integral part of their corporate processes. Furthermore, corporate managers usually fail to direct programmers competently because of their lack of understanding the capabilities of internet technologies. Frequently, the end result is a poorly designed shopwindow of irrelevant data and repetitive functions that is always lacking updates! Yet another significant problem in professional website development is concerned with the dismal state of internet technologies lacking standardisation thanks to a preposterously market-driven patchwork of digital industries. Novice entrepreneurs jumping on the bandwagon feel obliged to minify competition or fix prices to stay afloat in a cross-border jungle of largely unregulated no-man's land. For the few who become successful in this game, there are no ethical bounds to play decently either. A good example in this respect is the security ploys of the large cartels who first created the internet terror themselves and then proudly developed remedies. Similarly, all major competitors in internet browsing technologies tend to create their own standards which would eliminate their rivals in due course. The price for such intransigence is always paid for directly by mishandled internet users. 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Coercive schemes in the contemporary world have intensified especially after the collapse of the Soviets. A New World order of clashing civilisations is one such sinister scheme which will never honour its charlatan forgers. For this highly unacceptable global realignment excercise, remotely inspired and mobilised regional conflagrations (specifically across Eurasia) are continually fabricated and launched through tribalistic, paternalistic, nepotistic, feudalistic, theocratic, evangelistic and oligarchic cabal rings headed by faceless leftovers (not exclusively, but mostly, of Italian, Hungarian, Polish and Bulgarian origin) from the Cold War days in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. As before, a substantial number of these subversive operations are financed, not by national governments, but with laundered money derived from illegal narcotics networks run by international mafiosi in cooperation with local tribesmen (Pashtuns, Kurds, etc.) closely controlled by intelligence services. Manipulative security trading in emerging markets and property development, especially with petro-dollars commanded by Arab sheikhs, are other instruments increasingly employed for this purpose. In particular, well-proven forms of subjugating the individual and enslaving his or her mind into irreversible submissiveness are of this nature. The so-called 'mildly' sectarian totalitarianism, as the current favourite of the globalists, has replaced the militarist or para-militarist oligarchic despotism which was the past favourite of the same circles during the Cold War. It is interesting to note that the global manipulators nurture no qualms about eliminating a former corrupt ally with the indecent use of an equally corrupt former antagonist. The current moves to eliminate and replace mostly despotic militarist regimes by newly empowered friendly religionist totalitarians are good examples in this respect, which also prove that the intention has never been to improve human rights and democratic governance anywhere. The fact that, in due course, the despots and their totalitarian antagonists would easily be forced to change places should normally be sufficient reason to keep clear of this game, but fascistic despots and religionists are not known to exercise restraint! The new plan is being zealously deployed through well-known tactics of collusion, conspiracy and intrigue.
An uncompromising position of the globalists in the new ploy is to thwart the emergence of novel rational ideologies or reawakening of the old ones at any cost. It seems that deployment of sectarian religionism is found to be a much better alternative, as amply demonstrated during the collapse of the Soviets. Indeed, the Western inheritance since the times of the Crusaders has shown the way to tackle Jihadist surges: divide masses into friendly and belligerent sects, and maintain a firm grip on the ruling factions of the friendly sectarianists. The 'terrorism' of belligerent sects is also quite useful and desirable in closing ranks, not only within friendly groups, but also across the Christian realm. This strategy is calculated to immunise Western societies against the spread of any opposing ideologies. With no substantial conversion prospects across the reinforced boundaries, a clash of religions (euphemistically called civilisations) is clearly much more convenient than a clash with upstart rational ideologies rivalling capitalism (or, so it is hoped!) A further twist in this strategy is the reliance on the evangelistic doctrine for forging artificial sects and enlisting their support for the creation of a hierarchical world religion, which must be the main cause behind the apparent reawakening of ecclesiastical interest in earthly matters. This also explains the induced erosion of laical and rational norms of national government in preference to federations made up of tribal and post-tribal cross-border congregations. The fact that the new West looks set to shed its democratic inheritence for this sinister new realignment is most deplorable. When this doomed experiement is eventually abandoned, as it most certainly will, it is quite doubtful whether the West, or any other culture, could regain this most valuable asset for human existence, even after a very long time, if ever. The region apparently selected as the initial Hot Peace zone for socio-economic realignment in accordance with the prescripts of the ultimate New Order extends from Morocco and Nigeria to Somalia and Indonesia, centered around Asia Minor, where all known rules of liberty, equality, democracy and human dignity are violently undermined and corrupted. As such, nobody with a modicum of decency would be in a position to share any common ground with any former or current socio-political movement on this line of fire. More specifically, it is inconceivable not to be vigorously against any of the prevailing religionist and monocratic parties, associations, societies, fraternities, congregations, unions and guilds in this geography. Indeed, in today's world, a large number of local and regional governing clans are no more than implementers of policies drafted elsewhere as a consequence of warped relations resembling those between an overlord and his vassals, notably in the global Anglo-American world. This redesign of civilisational borders as well as what lies within is being implemented with the aid of convenient untruths and myths underpropped by corrupt academicians, journalists, preachers and politicians for whom there is no shortage. Policies for sectarian religionism is in complete accord, not only with the evangelistic doctrine, but also with the idology of neoconservatism, which could be seen as a postmodern synthesis and reinterpretation of Manichaeism and armed Judeo–Christian evangelism. Neoconservatism as an ideology, rooted in the 1930's, was dreamt up by a group of Jewish New Yorkers (Leo Strauss, Albert Wholstetter, Irving Kristol, and others) who argued that democracy, resting on modernism and enlightenment, was incapable of defending itself against expansionist (Nazi) totalitarianism; and therefore, it was more important for 'good' regimes (theirs!) to destroy 'evil' regimes (of their adversaries!) in accordance with a globally sustained 'benevolent'ly hegemonic policy of intervention and expansion by every means that technological supremacy offered. Inspired by Michael Harrington in the '70's, neoconservatism took a macabre turn with the support of Ronald Reagan and most of his successors up till now. Their Greater Middle East as a mosaic of constantly feuding tribal ignorami stripped of their national identities is an almost ideal environment for neoconservatism to thrive from North Africa to the Far East. Expansion into Eurasia is a particularly significant first step, hence, the emphasis on Asia Minor. Interestingly, quite a few of the ideologues of neoconservatism have been deeply involved with this geography; e.g., Paul Henze, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Graham E. Fuller and Zalmay Halilzad. Practically all globally active strategic establishments (SIAs, Strategic Intelligence Agencies) are keen to retain a permanent focus here as well: the RAND Corp., the CIA, the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute, the Project for New American Century, plus an excessively wide range of international media outlets with local subsidiaries in charge of distorting global public opinion. Practically all major events have been staged, manipulated and targeted according to a common framework adopted by evangelist neo-cons, increasingly frequently after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. 'The clash of civilisations' became the sacred mission of a new breed of immoderately unrestrained 'con-men' who had staged the nine-eleven incident as an opener, followed by long-running Arab and Kurdish uprisings, and interminable 'Jihadist' bloodshed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Middle East and Europe. Not forgetting other parts of the interconnected globe, their aim is quite simple: irreversibly destabilise the entire Eurasia and ensure a permanent state of internicine quarrels, whatever the human cost. That, of course, is not the recipe for a New World Order; it is rather a recipe for a New World Disorder! As a result of this most lamentable global hegemony, the dangerous divide between criminal hatred and blasphemy versus democratic rights of the individual such as dissent and critique is turning into an abys devouring all human freedoms. People that have been unfortunate enough to be on the neo-cons' evil horizon are tormented even worse. Losses of life due to staged 'clashes of civilisations' are comparable to conventional wartime losses, and are on the increase by the day. Ordinary vision of the simple man in this geography is heavily blurred and doped with factitiously canonised medievalism and sectarian fundamentalism. The social strains in the region are getting out of control, unavoiadably leading up to a global catastrophy which would not benefit even the neo-con instigators and their local totalitarian cohorts themselves. What would then remain will be a monstrous civilisational wreck of colossal proportions, which the former neoconservative ideologues had intended to avoid through their misbegotten ideology. The rationally enlightened world should reclaim universal values attached to modern democratic ideals as soon as possible lest the intended Disorder devours all modern secular values.
end of exordium in leitmotivs
view | hide section HISTORIA perspectives A sound historical perspective is a sine qua non for understanding social change and prospects in any regional or global framework. Unfortunately, history is a field of much speculation and untruism. History texts are seldom free of cultural prejudices and preconceived notions of sycophantic, chauvinistic, ideological and doctrinaire distortions. Indeed, it would normally be safer to take treatises as pseudohistory, and then, to attempt to expurgate untruths in order to hopefully uncover veritable references. In a long line of contributors to history, and in particular to the philosophy of history -- including G. W. F. Hegel, K. Marx, F. Engels, F. Nietzsche, B. Russell, S. Runciman, K. Popper, T. Kuhn, F. Fukuyama -- there is not even one who had been able to rid himself of subjectivity to arrive at an acceptable level of consistent historicity.
It is not possible to alleviate this state by the preposterous contention that histories (of the past) are written today with a view to building up an idealised tomorrow. This self-defeating irrationality (which might perhaps be called quantum historicity!) is fertile ground for power-worshipping charlatans in the service of fascist and neo-con circles. Hegelian notions as such were misused as cornerstones of Fascism in the past, and more recently, the neo-con nonsense of the end of history has tempted F. Fukuyama to bend factuality for a deplorably dogmatic universal and homogenously liberal state as the last form of government. Although this misconception was later replaced by an equally dogmatic assertion of a clash of civilisations, the notion of the end of history stands out as a serious example for how history can be mistreated in the hands of power wielders aiming no less than world domination. The main motive behind this kind of deviation is invariably the strong desire to rewrite history so as to annul historical bases of sociopolitical legacies considered undesirable by autarchic globalists, despotic rulers and nationalistic or theocratic regimes for reshaping the future. Since time immemorial, the Balkans and the Caucasus have functioned as vortices at either end of Anatolia for the perpetual flux of humans between East and West in either direction. This never-ending process has made Anatolia a fountainhead of history, unequalled in the world. The fact that the world has considerably shrunk in size as a result of increased range and speed of accessibility has not truly lessened the pivotal significance of the region in global competition and collision. Anatolia is indeed a civilisational fault line strained (and at times, torn apart) between the Balkan and the Caucasian cauldrons of violent human encounters, orchestrated by a sempiternal camarilla of deception and manipulation residing in and around Galata overlooking the Bosphorus. Histories written and comments issued about events that took place in such an important region are seldom free of bias and distortion. In fact, Greek, Roman, Nea Roman, Seljuq, Ottoman, semi-colonial and Turkish periods in Anatolia are recounted from so many diverse angles by so many different cultural interest groups, indisputable truths rarely emerge from these sources. Therefore, any appraisement of former communities and their historical circumstances of survival has to be started by way of formally expurgating errors and prejudices from the accounts. However, no historically proven truth can ever find favour with fundamentalist doctrinaires without an initial reinterpretation and rewording mostly on utterly false claims to fit their adopted dogmata. Such falsities that are accumulated over many centuries make up an 'alternative digest' that is incorporated into the religious doctrine and becomes the unquestionable 'facts' of persuasion the divine creator ordained. When historicity is disfigured to such an extent, there is no more hope for enlightenment to enter the dogmatist mind. What then remains for the duped simpleton is to believe in convenient untruths as canons and obediently acquiesce to an enslaved existence as the savage defender against all rational verities which fall foul of those canons. It is no wonder that all forms of totalitarianism, including, first and formost, religious autocracies, customarily start out by rewriting history as they see fit while blocking other (independent) versions. This is the extremely disturbing reason why, in so many regions of the world, freedom of information is such a highly and indecently attacked human privilege. In the Middle East without any exception, all religious autocracies rely fundamentally on this evil authoritarianism, since they are rightly convinced that their rank, power and dogmata stand no chance against the force of rational enlightenment. Undoubtedly, their evangelical and neoconservative backers clearly think so, too! Examples of the habitual misuse of history in the Middle East are endless. Arabists in Asia Minor who long for the good old Ottoman days (!) are most creative in this respect. They are sponsored, at least for the duration of the current interregnum, by neoconservative globalists who would rather see the Republic of Turkey replaced by a mosaic of tribal formations led by a 'friendly' religionist autocrat. They are quite comfortable in claiming atrocious 'facts' unabashedly in front of their partizan crowds as an effective means of self-styled politicking. In this regard, some of their 'theses' are truly mind-blowing! For instance, the Arabs had arrived in America in 1178 (not worrying too much about the fact that Norse explorers had done it about 500 years before Columbus!) Another similar claim is that contribution to science by the Arabs guided by their new religion is much more than what’s known! However, not all such claptrap claims can be labeled fribbling only. A top neo-Ottomanist politician was recently heard saying that slander against the Ottomans would not be tolerated any longer! This last remark is more revealing than a thousand words. Necessarily, common intentional errors of historical judgment, emenating from a region traditionally not familiarised with naked truths, are frequent topics of concern in this site.
end of historia in leitmotivs
view | hide section THEMES samples and lists The new world order seems to be resting on three pillars of globalism (as outlined below): EVANGELIA – the unified tabernacle of false prophets; MEDIA – Murdochian dystopia of sleuth and slander; MEDEA – Sorosian chimera of bonded futures.
In effect, no democracy will stay immune to such backstabbing by the globalist apparatchiks, since what a democracy cannot do without is a clearly defined and uncontested parliamentarian authority across its realm. However, largely uncheckable cross-border flows of information and wealth have reached such an intensity and volatility, the single state is no more capable of imposing democratic rule over what goes on within it.
And so, the globalist apparatchiks are seriously at large in meddling with national rules and rulers to their own advantage. The circumstances being as such, the rhetoric of fighting against despotism and terrorism by bringing Bushean style democracies to such unfortunate countries sounds phony, to say the least. Afghanistan and Irak are the most recent telling examples. Once the democratic standards are diluted with an abominable two-tier prescription, the weaker version soon becomes the norm even for the prescribers. On this point, there is no real difference between phone-tapping exercises in Turkey and in Britain; or between the ethno-religionist terrorism in the Middle East and the fascistic homicide of 2011 summer in the late Palme’s Norway. The democratic ideal is reeling down fast to a point of no return in the hands of inept postmodern politicians (‘picked’ rather than elected,) thereby making the ‘individual’ redundant in governance... Indeed, T S Eliot’s “human kind cannot bear very much reality” is not disputable. The ordinary man is interested only in fictionalised reality. Or in even worse cases of canonical repression, they are interested only in recitals of poeticised unreality. Such psychic weaknesses of the individual are what global schemers have discovered to be their most reliable instruments while erecting their new ‘pillars’: Evangelia, Media, Medea... These weaknesses are irrational modes of ‘believing’ in misbegotten clergies, the press and the stock market. Such postmodern deviations would ever attain timelessness with regard to Eliot’s notion of history, “a pattern of timeless moments.” In a way, the end of history thesis was not that wrong after all! In the meantime, one should strive to stay clear, and favour what is right by freeing self from past and future also; Eliot didn’t think this aim to be realisable, but on this, one must disagree... The reader should be warned, however, that opposition to the globalist America is not really an opposition against the matter-of-course globalisation of the world per se. Unfortunately, the current lack of civilised rules for regulating globalisation has created a vacuum which is now being filled by sinister schemers, wielding ‘weapons’ of high technology, and manipulating masses in cooperation with friendly networks of totalistic persuasions with global missions of their own. Neither UN- nor EU-type platforms are properly geared to handle this phenomenon. A hitherto unknown ‘understanding’ of global dynamics is needed. But it would not come about before there arises sufficient worldwide awareness for increasingly damaging ills perpetuated by global scriptwriters’ fictionalised reality. This site aims to contribute in this respect by way of identifying and discussing leitmotivs and pressing questions awaiting urgent answers (see the following two insets for selected samples.)
end of themes in leitmotivs